57 Muslim states on the planet. They met in Makkah 14 August 2012, the homeland of Islam and also the cradle of Muslims. Nobleman, presidents, emirs, sultans and chiefs of states on all sorts. From Asia and from Africa, all Muslim leaders and rulers joined together to go over the problem of Muslims these days.
The very first primordial situation was those of Syria. Syria wasn't symbolized due to the atrocities the Syrian government imposing on its people. However the conference of 57 so-known as Muslim states made the decision to suspend the membership of Syria in the League. This decision however, wasn't unanimous for Shi'a factions from the conference symbolized in Iran mainly made the decision from the decision. Nearly all Muslim states decided to suspend Syria from the membership.
Well, well, well! If this sounds like Islam then there's nothing left from Islam except the league's title. 1.5 billion of Muslims are symbolized within this royal conference with all of its push ceremony. Smiles and arm chairs discussions in luxury hotels and homes. All Muslim nations joined together, escape for Iran, to consider a significant decision to be able to save Syria from the plight, from the killing machine, from the genocide regime.
Muslim nations using their knowledge saw the only efficient factor they are able to do would be to suspend Syria from the membership.
Is that this Islam! Islam is really a religion where it unites all Muslims to protect their Muslim people, to protect Muslims all around the world, not to mention from under an atheist regime, disbelieving in God as well as in Islam.
The Syrian regime has decalerd bashaar al-Assad God. Indisputable God ship is conferred around the Syrian criminal butchers leader. Searching rather just like a Donald Duck prolonged in dimensions,
he's no qualifications to become a rat, nor a cockroach. But he earned themself God, his fans the Ismaili Alawites 10% from the 23 million Syrians also have made the decision to worship him as God. Alawites don't believe in God they disbelieve in Islam plus they worship Ali, the cousin from the prophet rather. But thinking in version of God in humans this sect deifies humans and today may be the turn of Bashaar.
Actually, and when you watch the videos within the civil proxy war in Syria you now would see many troops from the Alawites holding guns from the population to confess the God ship of Bashaar. If the daring Sunnis, or Christian believers within the roads of Hamah, Homs, Aleppo or perhaps Damascus, deny that Bashaar is God themself such rejection would increase the risk for immediate execution from the poor guy.
In Syrian prisons where a lot more than 70 1000's of Syrians are held, tortured and wiped out, denying the God ship of Bashaar may be the first reason for dying.
The dogs from the sultan were unleashed to deify Bashaar and also the Syrian Sunni Muslims 78% of people were commanded to bow lower and worship Bashaar, the God from the Alawite.
Against each one of these atrocities and crimes all of the Muslim league can perform would be to suspend Syria like a member. Islam requires immediate assistance, in most fields, particularly the military assistance and economic assistance that's recommended to held any Muslim or several Muslims or perhaps a Muslims condition where you will find most of Muslims. But nobody word was able to escape for aiding Syria in the plight
The disposable Syrian military,mostly fighting a Muslim cause haven't much way to fight with. A lot more than three countless Muslims have fled their houses and 100s of 1000's of Muslims live as wretched refugees in neighboring nations.
Each one of these terrors are now being experienced through the Muslims in Syria as the Muslim 57 condition league decides to suspend Syria. A most smart decision produced by Muslims to assist one another.
No military intervention is made the decision china muslim travel through the League departing the Syrian Muslims to become slaughtered in the altar from the Alawite atheist god Bashaar.
Islam instructions fighting alongside Muslims whenever Muslims are fought against against. Now Muslim in Syria are fought against and wiped out as a result of the Alawites, but raise no serious military aid while Syrians are butchered.
What type of Islamic league is that this. Useless and sterile, their chiefs and leaders are busy using their personal matters, they're busy to advertise their very own interests, their glory as well as their riches, and then leave their siblings in Syria helpless, dying within the roads, in hospitals and slaughtered as a result of the Alwaite military, navy, air pressure as well as their thugs from the security crooks al-Shabeeha.
1.5 billion of Muslims watch their fellow Muslims being massacred as well as their houses destroyed with a professional killing machine plus they choose to suspend the theif from membership.
Shame on such cowardice act of Muslim states in Makkah. Makkah should be disgusted using the coward decision from the Muslim states. Their impartiality towards their fellow condition is equally as worse because the terrorist functions of horror committed by Bin Laden and the guys in arms, Kaddafi, Pol Pot and Hitler. Hitler committed the Jewish genocide however the world found put an finish to his criminality as the Muslims in Syria are now being butchered by their physician as the whole Muslim world stands aside, watching with admiration from the Syrian people themselves.
Shame around the Arab League, shame around the Muslim League and shame around the world standing aloof because the Un experts, useless and sterile because the testicles from the Pope.
Find out more within the journal of Islam is mind, freedom and justice.